Friday, June 22, 2012

These Girls

So have you sensed a theme to my blog lately?? Can you tell that I love summer? Like, totally love it? The best part about summer is the lucky fact that I get to spend it with my girls.

Like seriously, who wouldn't want to spend day in, day out with these two?

I love that they are still little, that Lily says "covered" instead of "cupboard" and that Maya breaks into song spontaneously like her little life is an episode of Glee. Right now, they are pretty much best friends (most of the time) and I really hope that once they get through the turbulence of adolescence that they stay close forever.

Lily taught herself how to jump rope and she is super proud!

Maya was equally proud when she learned how to jump last summer!

We're just back from a wicked awesome Disney trip, so look for an upcoming Big Fat Disney Post filled with a million Disney scrapbooking layouts. I may or may not have taken nearly 2000 photos. Just sayin'.


  1. Those are adorable!

    I can't wait or the Disney LOs!!!

  2. These are beautiful pages with amazing photos, and beautiful girls too :)
