Hey All! After making my Serbia mini (which was my first evah!), I've realized that minis pretty much rock. Therefore, I present you, my dear, dear readers with my second mini--NYC! Now, you might think that I travel a lot, and its true. That's what I get for having friends and family all over the country (and world, I guess!). My sister lives in Manhattan, so we stay there for free. And we drove, which wasn't free, but it was a lot cheaper than flying. So anyway, that was probably a lot more info than you needed. So onto the mini...this one is an 8x8. All photos taken on my iphone and ran through instagram, which might as well be called insta-crack rock for how addicting it is.

Thanks for looking, friends! Coming up this week...some sneaks and some super exciting sneaks. Oh, and did I say sneaks??
Fantastic NYC mini! Loved watching your photos, makes me wanna go back to that city real soon ;-)